
Welcome to my thermal cooker thermo cooking web blog where I hope to collect and share information on the methods and functions of using non-electric retained heat, slow cooking for what ever need you might have.

I plan on pulling information in on haybox cookers, vacuum flask cooking, thermos and wonderboxes that use the process of an insulated container to retain the heat and cook the food we eat daily or in emergency situations. Along with the how to’s and what for’s and recipes for these non-electric thermal cookers.

Take a look through the categories on the left for recipes, demonstration videos and information on all kinds of thermal and retained heat cooking.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. ela Says:

    which thermal cooker?
    I’ve never used one before and am trying to decided between the Nissan Thermos cooker and the Zoirushi (sp?) cooker, which is made in Japan, and seems to get the better reviews. Can you describe differences between the two? I don’t mind spending a few extra dollars for noticeable quality. Thanks, Ela

    • thermalcooker Says:

      I don’t think you will go wrong with either manufacturer. The Nissan Thermos has it’s roots in Japan but is manufactured now in China, the quality still is top notch from all the current cookers I’ve seen.

      The difference for me is the specific model of Thermos vs the Zoirushi. I prefer the Thermos cook and carry or shuttle chef version of the Thermos thermal cooker because it does not have a glass lid, plus it also has a bail handle that locks the lid of the Thermos outer pot down. Thermos makes a model much like the one Zoirushi makes but they have handles that attach to the inner pot that drape over the top of the outer pot which I think acts as a heat escape mechanism so the temperatures fall a little faster than the Thermos model without the external handles. For most recipes it really won’t make a difference but it is a personal preference that I would still pick the Thermos shuttle chef model for. You can see what I’m referring to at this link: http://www.getpreparedstore.com/category/30555882801/1/Thermal-Cookers.htm

  2. Genevieve Says:

    Your blog doesn’t say what country you are based in ? Are you still actively blogging?

    • thermalcooker Says:

      I’m blogging from Utah in the USA. Sorry that things have slowed down blog wise but I’m still trying to remain active though much slower in responding.

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